Chapter 1724 Eden Was Stealthily Substituted

"Idiot, what else could we do? Run! Let's see who can run faster now. You are Tony, the man who runs the fastest in ordinary times." Sam did not forget to encourage his younger brother at this time.

"Sam, but I have no strength to run. My legs are limp because I'm so scared by the police." Tony looked back while running.

Sam was speechless. Were they doomed that night? Why did Tony keep saying something unlucky?

Tony felt limper and limper as Victor approached them. 

"Sam, he... catches up with us." Seeing that Victor was chasing after them in a horrible speed, Tony was dumbfounded, and he lost all his strength.

At this time, Victor was running with all his might. He was anxious, furious and guilty because Eden had an accident.

However, Sam ran so fast with a woman on his shoulder. They were in a suburb, and the lights were very dim. Victor was puzzled and looked at the front thoughtfully.

"Hurry up and put her down." Victor's cold and angry voice was penetrating.