Chapter 1729 You Said It On Purpose

Victor put her on the soft bed and gently brushed the hair off her forehead with his slender fingers, "Honey, take a good sleep. I'll make you some porridge."

"Alright, I want to eat porridge with many ingredients. Remember not to put peanuts in it." Eden said coquettishly as she swept her finger cross Victor's arm.

A warm current coursed through Victor's body, and his heart melted.

"Okay!" He answered softly, and his eyes were filled with tenderness, "Lie down. If you don't feel well, tell me and I'll call Dr. Conley."

"There's no need. Dr. Conley is very busy. The doctor said that my shoulder can be cured soon as long as it doesn't get wet."

"It's okay. He is retired now. If he has something to do occasionally, he won't feel lonely." Victor stroked her face.

Eden thought for a moment and said, "I heard that his children are all living abroad, and he stays in this country alone."