Chapter 1759 He Actually Helped Sean

To her surprise, Victor didn't know Maisy at all.

Victor suddenly turned around. He moved slowly, but he looked so aggressive and commanding, which made everyone present a bit nervous.

Feeling the oppressive atmosphere, Margery felt uneasy for no reason. But when she thought of Eden, she became confident instantly.

Eden protected her all the time and regarded her as her own younger sister. 

"Margery, you are threatening me." Victor gritted his teeth, "Sean taught you to do this, didn't he?"

"Don't... mock my future husband! He didn't teach me anything." Margery was a little anxious. Why did he suddenly mention Sean?

"Woo-woo... Margery, you finally admit that I am your future husband. I have been chasing after you for so many years. Now I really want to cry!"

"Margery, honey, I love you!" Sean suddenly appeared in the crowd and walked to Margery with tears in his eyes.

Margery was speechless. What a coincidence!