Chapter 1778 Weather The Storm

Victor knew what she was thinking, "Eden, I was afraid that you would be worried, so I didn't tell you. Barrett is very despicable. He took advantage of Adrienne. When Simpson Group was in trouble, Adrienne was taken away by the police. Delmont came to me, and I helped Adrienne, but she couldn't fight against the Simpson family. I discussed with her and decided to purchase Simpson Group so that she and Delmont could be together at ease."

Victor thought that she would be touched. He did all these to make her happy.

Victor turned his head to look at Eden from time to time, but she didn't look touched at all, and he felt a little disappointed.

Eden felt as if she had heard a myth. He had acquired Simpson Group in just a few days, and she didn't know about it at all.

Eden asked in a low voice, "Honey, how rich is our family?"