Chapter 1787 Everything Goes According To Plan

Life might not be as good as imagined, but it would not be as bad as imagined.

Many things were unknown before the results came out.

Seeing Abigail get in the car and leave, Eloise picked up her phone and dialed a number.

"Everything goes according to plan. Let chairman rest assured."

After hanging up, she soon received a sum of money.

Eloise turned around, picked up the pearl handbag on the stool and left the cafe.

Half an hour later, Anson and Abigail arrived at the villa.

At this time, Eden playing on the swing in the yard.

Seeing them coming, she smiled and jumped off the swing to open the door.

"Abby, Anson, you're here." She sounded happy, and she was in a good mood.

Anson glanced at the villa, "Why do you move farther and farther away? What happened?"

He was the one who came to check and accept this villa back then. It was too well lighted, and he did not like it very much. He preferred cement walls.