Chapter 1792 What He Had Done Wrong

"Victor, you actually take the initiative to call me." Abigail said teasingly.

Victor was speechless. Had he never taken the initiative to call her?


"What's wrong with Eden? Anson and I are quite busy today. Is she not feeling well? Are you a qualified husband? Eden is ill, but you don't send her to the hospital!" Abigail's angry voice made Victor stunned.

Victor's face darkened, "You and Anson have been in the company."

"What do you expect? We're very busy these days. Will you give us overtime pay? Take good care of Eden for me. I will visit her after I am done with my work in a few days." Abigail always spoke to Victor in a bad tone.

Victor could feel her anger through the phone.

Abigail had been protective of Eden.

"Bye." Victor hung up the phone and saw Eden coming downstairs. She did not go to see Abigail. Where had she been?

He carried the food back. Eden was downstairs.