Chapter 1796 There Is No Need For Us To Meet

"Yeah! I think so too, but grandma went back. Perhaps she'll be here the day after tomorrow. When she comes back, I'll tell you. Come and talk to her in my house."

"Okay, I won't go to the company for the time being. Eden is ill."

Lucian asked, "Is she sick because of you?"

Victor held his phone tightly and answered softly, "Yeah."

Lucian sighed helplessly, "I told you not to deny a woman the opportunity to be a mother, but you didn't listen to me."

Victor's heart ached severely.

"I see. I won't do it again. That's it. I'll make dinner first."

"Ha-ha..." Lucian chuckled.

"Victor, I didn't expect that you would cook one day."

Thinking of Lucian's distressed face when he protected Amelia, Victor smiled and said teasingly, "Don't say that to me, Lucian. One day, you will be willing to cook for Amelia in the kitchen."

"Is that so? I haven't forgiven her yet, so you can't see this for the time being."

Victor smiled, "I see. I'll hang up."
