Chapter 1815 She Had Been Made Use Of Indeed

But he was Lucian, the man she had been loving since she was a child. She loved his indifference and courage, and she loved him because he could give up a lot of things for his dream.

Lucian could break off with his family for love, but she was not as brave as him.

But Lucian was so courageous. He sent his eldest brother to prison for Amelia.

She wanted to be with the one she loved, too. However, she was not as capable as Lucian. 

These two days, she sat alone in the corner and thought for a long time. She was totally wrong.

Hearing Eden's question, she couldn't endure the grievances in her heart anymore.

"Eden, don't you know that? Didn't Victor tell you? The Ronen family has a good relationship with my family. Lucian and I grew up together. You grew up with Victor as well, but you got his love. Lucian doesn't like me at all, and I'm not convinced. My grades were not as good as his, so I went abroad for further study to match him."