Chapter 1821 Such A Coincidence

Giada smiled and said, "Don't worry. I'm busy with painting and I'm not in the mood to date any of my schoolmates. The boys in my class used to give me gifts, but Henrick stopped them all. Therefore, those boys are all keeping a distance from me now when they see me.

I just want to know if Henrick did something that I don't know behind my back?" 

Victor was very pleased when he heard this. Henrick always made it look like that he and Giada didn't get along at all, but he was actually protecting her all the time. 

"Ricky wouldn't do anything behind your back. This is not his fault at all." Victor was naturally on his son's side. 

Giada was totally speechless. 

So was Eden. 

"Anyway, I'm going to leave you and mom for your dinner now." Giada felt like she didn't want to talk anymore.

"Okay, okay. Baby, don't be angry. I'll tell your brother off later."

Eden couldn't help but roll her eyes. She knew he couldn't win Henrick if they started arguing.