Chapter 1823 You Are The Vicious One

"Jasper, it hurts. Send me to the hospital first." Eloise was really in pain. In order to achieve her goal at once, she was really cruel to herself this time.

Jasper came here tonight only for business, not for her. She already knew that Eden would come here, that was why she suggested her manager come here. She had been here twice since the opening of the restaurant. The dishes here were delicious and she liked them very much. After she came here, she had been paying attention to Eden so that she could make sure that everything was under her control.

Jasper looked down at her and said, "I can take you to the hospital, but I have to solve the problem here first. We'd better figure out who is lying first." His handsome face looked so cold. He would not allow anyone to hurt Eden.

"Jasper, you..." Eloise looked at him in surprise. Was this still the Jasper she knew?

How could he become so ruthless?