Chapter 1830 You Are Married

Victor finished the milk and threw the paper cup into the trash can. He sat on the leather sofa and looked up at Delmont.

Then he said seriously, "You don't know Barrett at all, but Adrienne does. Don't do anything stupid now, otherwise, you would push Adrienne, as well as your entire family, to hell."

"Really?" Delmont frowned. He wouldn't be bothered to pay everything he had if he could win Barrett's trust, however, Buddy had taken over their family business now. Their family business had already experienced heavy losses ever since what happened to Haven. Now that Buddy took it over, although it wasn't as great as before, it was getting better and better. 

Buddy was very good at doing business, so sooner or later, their family would get back to their feet again. 

They all had assets in Lemmon City as well, so they had fully utilized them.