Chapter 1837 In Danger

Eden looked back and saw four or five motorcycles rushing towards them.

They wore black and green uniforms. Their helmets and even motorcycles were all the same.

The deafening roar made people feel irritated, and the passers-by on the road cursed them angrily.

But they chose to step aside because those people rode at high speed.

Victor felt that something was wrong.

Looking back, the man on a motorcycle next to them was trying to hit him with nunchakus.

Victor's eyes were cold-blooded, and Eden's worried voice came from the top of his head, "Victor, watch out!"

Victor immediately put down Eden and protect her behind his back.

Reaching out his long arm, he grabbed the other end of the nunchakus.

There was a sharp pain in the back of his hand. He frowned slightly, but there was a bloodthirsty smile on his face. He tried his best to pull the nunchakus. Then the man lost his balance and fell off the motorcycle heavily.