Chapter 1840 You\'re All Showing Off

"Honey." Eden called him coquettishly and smiled meaningfully, "What do you want me to do?"

Thinking that he was seriously injured, she'd better listen to him.

In fact, she was a little tempted by his sweet nothings just now.

It was said that women were somewhat foolish in front of their beloved men, and this was actually reasonable.

She became silly again just now, didn't she?

She was willing to do everything recklessly for him.

It turned out that the feeling of proceeding without hesitation was like this.

Victor smiled charmingly. His eyes were intense and deep as he looked at her. She seemed to be telling him that she would agree to any of his requests. "Honey, I'll teach you!"

Victor pulled her with the healthy arm. Then she lay on top of him. He smiled playfully and said wickedly, "Honey, do you know what to do now? When you were drunk, you were really passionate. I..."