Chapter 1844 Why Do You Want To Fire Us?

Around ten o'clock in the morning, Abigail came out of the elevator and went straight to Abigail's office. When she was about to reach the door, Ciara came out of Anson's office, and her clothes were a little messy.

Abigail was obviously stunned when she saw it.

Moreover, they wore the same red dress.

Ciara walked over and said a few words to Abigail with a smug smile. Abigail glared at the door of Anson's office fiercely, turned around and left madly. 

Anson was dumbfound. Abigail came to see him, but he didn't even know it.

"Crack..." Anson gave Ciara a hard slap in the face.

"Ah..." Ciara screamed in shock and stared at Anson in disbelief.

He actually slapped a woman.

The other four women were also stunned.

Eden was taken aback.

"Tell me! What did you say to my wife?" Anson looked very horrible. He was a bit casual in ordinary times, but at this moment, he was very cold and heartless.