Chapter 1855 I Would Feel Uneasy Indeed

Victor looked at him blandly and didn't speak. 

Anson gave him a bright smile.

Moreover, he kept encouraging himself in heart and asking himself to be more thick-skinned.

Eden could not help but smile. Anson was too afraid of Victor, wasn't he?

Thalia and Dean got up to carry things for Victor.

"Abby, I brought something delicious." With a smile, Eden looked at Abigail who was eating grapes.

"Wow! Eden, I knew you wouldn't starve me." Abigail didn't think that she would starve at all. Eden knew that she didn't how to cook, so she had always been very thoughtful.

As long as Eden was there, she didn't have to worry about food.

"Abby, wait a minute. We'll have a barbecue tonight. Before I came here, I learned that we could have a barbecue here. I've brought all the food ingredients."