Chapter 1873 Looked Different From Before

Victor went upstairs to find Eden after washing dishes.

Eden sent Victor the stickers that she drew in the past few days.

Victor received them on the stairs and saved them. Thinking of how narrow-minded he was, he was too embarrassed to see her.

However, looking at the cute stickers, he was very excited and wanted to hug her. She was so lovely!

What he liked the most were the stickers she drew as the base of their appearances.

He liked every every of them, especially the hugging sticker.

The sticker was about him holding her in his arms and kissing her gently.  

At the door of the bedroom, Victor smiled more and more brightly, and he was in a very good mood. 

Gently pushing the door open, he saw Eden sit in front of the dressing table in a white nightgown and look down at her phone.

Victor walked over slowly and held her from behind tenderly.