Chapter 1893 Mr. Joye, Why Are You Here?

Hearing this, Dulcie was anxious. She came back from abroad not to live such an unstable life. She wanted to have a stable income and become the design director. These had been her dreams.

She was working for Dahlia. No matter what, she had to keep her salary and position.

She had become reconciled with Carlotta, but it was impossible to use her in the near future.

They only sent messages to greet each other, and they were not as familiar as before.

Dulcie comforted her, "Dahlia, we can't solve any problem by losing temper. Now we need to stop the clients from terminating the contracts with us. We don't have many clients. If we lose them, we won't be able to run the company anymore."

Dahlia was indeed very nervous. Leilani had more money than her, so she was no match for her.

No, she would not lose. She had Barrett.

Dahlia smiled. Although her smile was somewhat bitter, Dulcie was relieved.