Chapter 1900 You\'re Stupid

Victor was stunned. Did they have to be so childish?

"Idiot." Victor couldn't help but say.

"Hey, Victor, what do you mean?"

Victor said, "I mean that you're stupid. Alright, I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Where is Abigail?"

Anson was speechless. He didn't know where Abigail was.

He said, "So, why can't you just make Eden happy? Why did she run away from home?"

Victor replied, "I have no idea. You're the same, aren't you? When I came out of the bathroom this morning, she was gone." 

Anson smiled and said, "What a coincidence. I'm the same. I didn't see Abby after I took a shower early in the morning. My mother is taking care of Ayman now, and she's happy. I don't know what to do." 

Victor asked, "Do you know where they may go?"

Anson replied, "Shopping malls. When Abby is angry, she always goes shopping, and Eden accompanies her. Only by shopping can she feel better."

"Eden doesn't like to go shopping."

"Abby likes it."