Chapter 1902 I Was Chased After By a Bad Guy

After Victor came out of the mall, he did not see Eden and Abigail anymore.

He took out his phone and called Anson.

"Victor, why do you call me again? I really don't know where Abby is. She hasn't returned home yet. I am very anxious."

Without waiting for Victor to speak, Anson said dejectedly and desperately.

"Find her. we must find Abigail. She escaped with Eden. Moreover, Bryanna has come back. Why don't you know that?" Victor asked.

"Who?" Anson didn't hear him clearly and asked again.

"Bryanna!" Victor roared angrily.

"Oh, Adonis talked about it a few days ago, but I didn't care. Anyway, she won't look for me. She wants to see you. You know that she became an actress without hesitation when you asked her to work in the entertainment circle. Now she's very famous aboard. It's reasonable for her to come back. What's more, except for you, everyone knows that she likes you very much." Anson said jokingly.