Chapter 1904 Anson Said That Victor Has Cheated On Eden

"Eden." Victor caught up with her and stood in front of her. His tall figure looked commanding and aggressive.

Eden lowered her head and realized that she was obsessed with his temperament. She didn't look at him and moved to the left, but Victor moved as well and blocked her way.

She moved three times, but Victor stopped her again and again.

Only then did Eden look up at him.

The colorful lights were dazzling in the buildings far away.

Victor stood in the light. His tall and straight figure looked charming. 

"Get out of my way. I'm in a bad mood now. I don't want to talk to you." Eden's voice was still indifferent.

"Eden, listen to me. What you have seen are all coincidences." Victor was very helpless. How could things become like this?

Before he went to the bathroom, they were deep in love. However, everything had changed after he came out. She was so apathetic. How could he not be worried?

Moreover, she happened to see everything.