Chapter 1911 But She Failed

Victor walked out of the door, thought for a moment and returned. Lucian had just opened the door. Seeing this, he took a step back and asked in confusion, "Why do you come back?"

Victor looked at him, "The day after tomorrow is weekend."

Lucian remembered it.

"Ask them."

Victor went into the room again, "The day after tomorrow is weekend. Do you want to talk about the wedding?"

Anson and Adonis glanced at each other. Anson said, "Why do you mention this so suddenly? Abby and I haven't become reconciled."

Victor was stunned. Did he annoy Abby again last night? 

Anson said dejectedly, "It's all because of you. Abby told me that you cheated on Eden, but I didn't believe her, so we quarreled. Couldn't you just check the group chat when you have nothing to do? We talked about this for a long time yesterday. Why couldn't you reply to us?"

Victor felt helpless. How could he have time to chat with them yesterday?