Chapter 1929 He Almost Cried

Eden immediately put down the food in her hands and walked over, looking at him with distress.

"Victor, you're drenched! Why don't you change your clothes? What are you doing here? You will get sick."

Hearing Eden's voice, Victor was slightly stunned and looked up at her subconsciously.

His actions were a little slow and dull. It seemed that he did not know he had come back at all. Words couldn't describe how worried and sad Eden was at the moment.

"Victor, what's wrong with you?" Her voice was very soft.

Victor suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms. He held her tightly with strong arms and put his head on her shoulder. Her pleasant and familiar smell made him feel at ease. 

She could touch the cold water in his wet hair.

"Victor, if you sit here like this, you will catch a cold. Change your clothes first, and then go take a bath. I'll make dinner for you, okay? I'll cook your favorite beef."