Chapter 1936 He Apologized To Her

"Eden, I can take care of myself. Both of you are very busy. It is very convenient to order takeout." Lyric said to Eden, and she did not look at Jasper.

Eden knew that the problem between them hadn't been solved. After chatting with Lyric for a while, she gave Jasper a cheering look and left. She had to meet a client.

They made an appointment to meet at the club. Alyssa had gone there.

After Eden left, Lyric and Jasper felt so embarrassed.

Lyric looked down at her phone, while Jasper stood not far away from her.

Seeing that Lyric didn't want to talk to him and thinking about Ansley, Jasper really felt that it was hard to get along with women.

He was indeed a little impulsive at that time. He didn't know whether it was because she read such a novel or because she didn't care about him. Anyway, he was very irritated.

He said those words uncontrollably.