Chapter 1948 Alternate Intimidation And Bribery

The manager was shocked when he saw Victor. Why did even Victor come here?

"Mr. Alwynn, Mrs. Alwynn, I got the video." The manager's tone became more and more respectful.

Victor said, "Then show them. I can't allow my wife to be wronged."

The manager pursed his lips slightly. Looking at his hesitant face, Eden thought for a while and didn't speak.  

Delia couldn't remain calm anymore, but she could only meet Victor in this way.

"Mr. Alwynn, you must give me a reasonable solution. Otherwise, once people know that you sell fake clothes, the reputation of your company will be ruined." She did this to get one hundred million dollars. Victor would definitely choose to solve this matter humbly for the sake of Alwynn Group' reputation.