Chapter 1952 Does Mr. Joye Have Anyone He Likes?

"I am indeed a little embarrassed. Your eyes are so hot as you look at me. I will think that you have fallen in love with me mistakenly." Jasper wanted to stop thinking like that, but he couldn't help but say so.

Lyric felt that she had been seen through. She suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked at him. Her face became even redder, and her eyes were extremely starry and bright.

Her heart was beating very fast, and her breathing became rapid. She felt that she couldn't breathe.

Jasper's heart was slightly touched as he looked at her.

Through her bright eyes, he seemed to see her sincere and passionate love for him.

Jasper's heart seemed to be touched by her blazing love. He could clearly feel that his heart was beating violently.

He was a maelstrom of churning emotions inside.

The smile on Jasper's face gradually faded away.

Lyric had lowered her head shyly, feeling that she was having a tough time.

Every second passed very slowly.