Chapter 1960 Tell Me Everything You Know

The bodyguard did not speak and stood like a statue with his hands behind his back. He didn't even look at the man.

The man felt snubbed, but he didn't give up.

"Hey, I'm talking to you. You should at least answer me. It's three o'clock in the morning. Do you want us to wait here for a whole night? Who are we waiting for? Just make it clear, or we'll call the police."  

"Oh, f*ck! You know they won't reply to you, but you talk to them. I've been speaking to them for a whole night, but they didn't say a word to me. You'd better stop. I want to sleep for a while." A man pulled his clothes.

"Get out! We're doomed! Are you in the mood to sleep? You pig! You can't do anything except for sleeping! Now you still live off your parents. You'll be a loser forever!"

He kicked the man's calf hard.

"D*mn! Why did you kick me so fiercely? I live off my parents, not you! What does it have to do with you?" The man looked at him with resentment.