Chapter 1965 You Have Lots Of Complaints

Victor was peeling potatoes, and Anson was frying ribs. They looked quite harmonious.

The sizzling ribs had been seasoned with sauce, and they were tied with vanilla, smelling very delicous.

Victor turned around, looked at her and answered gently, "Eden, it's okay. His brother-in-law is here. He can cook ten more dishes."

Anson was speechless. He didn't want to lose face in front of Jasper's girlfriend.

This was too much.

He and Victor were cooking, while Abby and Eden were chatting.

No matter what, this scene was too weird.

Although Anson thought so, he said obediently, "Eden, it's okay. Leave it to us. You will have a hearty meal later."

Why did he say so? Because he didn't want to be scolded by Abby!  

Eden left with a smile. A few years had passed, and Victor and Anson had more excellent cooking skills. They could cook a lot of delicious food.

Victor took some food ingredients out of the refrigerator.