Chapter 1972 She Was Disappointed

Besides, Eden had helped her a lot. Even her relatives couldn't do so much for her.

Her relatives did not like her to ask for their help. As time went by, she became estranged from those vain relatives.

Eden looked at her. In the past few days, Lyric had thanked her for many times.

"Don't be so polite. I'm good to you because you're worth it."

No one would treat others well for no reason, neither would she.

"Eden, I know." Lyric knew this.

"Lyric, have breakfast first." Eden put the seafood porridge in front of her.

Seeing her favorite seafood porridge, Lyric smiled with joy, "Wow! It's my favorite porridge!"

Eden opened her own bowl and said with a smile, "Jasper ordered it for you, and I just went there to get it. He said that you like seafood porridge."

Lyric paused slightly. He was so busy, but he still cared about her. She was really touched.

Lyric looked at Eden with a complicated expression on her face. There was a smile in her eyes. She looked conflicted but happy.