Chapter 1982 Can\'t You See Eden?

Seeing that she finally wanted to talk to him, Victor got up to take a bath.

Without looking at Eden, he went straight to the bathroom, leaving her a lonely back.

Eden was speechless.

She glanced at the time on her phone. She had walked around for an hour.


Time went by so quickly!

Eden was a little discouraged and sat on the sofa.


Eden looked down at her phone.

Amelia asked her, "Eden, where are you?"

"I'm in Marriott Hotel."


"What's wrong?"

"Eden... I'm so sad. I want to run away from home."

Eden was stunned. Did Amelia quarrel with Lucian?

"Amelia, what happened?"

"Lucian took me to the hotel owned by his family. I'm not sexually aroused at all. He's taking a bath now."

Eden was dumbfounded. Amelia didn't say anything suggestive, but why was her face so hot?  

"Amelia, Victor is having a shower, too."

"Eden, I want to have barbecue."

Eden glanced at the bathroom, "Amelia, can you come out now? Let's go to the food stall."