Chapter 1996 She Was Not Qualified Indeed

"Eden, you..." Dahlia was stunned, and she trembled with anger. Rage bubbled just below the surface of her mind.

Eden actually used this matter to insult her.

She was not qualified indeed, because she once copied Eden's design.

If she participated in the competition, Victor would definitely make this matter public. Therefore, she only asked Dulcie to participate in the competition.

Dulcie was a member of her company. If she won an award, it would be the honor of the company.

Dulcie's family was ordinary. As long as she lured Dulcie with money, she would work for her company obediently.

She would work hard for her without complaint.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird. It was strangely quiet.

Eden looked at her with a faint smile. She was provoking Dahlia in this way.

Suddenly, Dulcie sensed something wrong, and her heart was filled with confusion.

"Dahlia, why are you not qualified to participate in the competition?" If she remembered correctly, Dahlia was also a designer.