Chapter 2022 Can\'t I Be Curious?

Eden was touched. She turned around and hugged him. Then she looked up with a sweet smile and bright eyes, "I know. I love you, too! Take me to the sofa. There are a few hours before our models come on stage. Let's go there later."

Victor carried her in his arms happily and walked to the sofa not far away.

After putting her on the sofa, he called someone to bring her food.

"Eden, it's a live broadcast. We can watch it here. The foreign models have come out." Victor picked up the remote control and turned on the TV on the wall.

Eden nodded with a smile and leaned against the sofa. It was much more comfortable than going to the hall.

In the hall, the models from Alwynn Group had come to stage under the guide of Dean and Lucian.

Alyssa and Danielle walked together. Looking at the luxurious hall, both of them were stunned.

Everything was fashionable. They had never been to such a high-end place before.

Danielle looked around enviously, "Alyssa, if only I can show my design here."