Chapter 2056 She Regretted Coming To See Eden

Eden also took a look at Dulcie. She was wearing a dark blue dress. The clever tailoring flattered her nice figure. With curly hair, she looked elegant and young.

Dulcie's eyes were provocative, but Eden only glanced at her blandly.

Dulcie sneered with disdain. There was going to be a good show.

Eden looked around and did not see Darlene.

Darlene said that she would come, so she had been paying attention to the whole hall. The competition was about to start, but she hadn't seen Darlene.

Zaiden had something to do, so he would come in a while.

"Eden, what's wrong?" Looking at her uneasy face, Victor was a little worried.

Eden shook her head slightly, "I'm fine. I just think it's noisy because there are so many people here." 

Victor raised his hand and glanced at the watch on his wrist, "The competition is about to start."

"Yeah!" Eden nodded slightly.

The judges had taken their seats, and Eden saw Tiana.

Tiana seemed to have sensed her gaze and suddenly smiled at her.