Chapter 2058 Plagiarism

"Ha-ha..." Danielle could tell that Eden was nervous. She stood aside, appreciating Eden's uneasy and scared face carefully.

In the past, she was once very frightened as well.

Eden was rich and powerful. However, she had never been arrogant, and she kept a low profile.

She treated the employees very well, and she wouldn't put on airs just because she was Victor's wife. She was friendly to everyone, but Danielle looked down on her.

Victor's family was respectable and influential, and his identity and status could not be underestimated.

His wife should be a noble and generous woman.

But Eden only lived an ordinary life.

"Mr. Alwynn really has a bad taste." Danielle smiled, her eyes full of disdain and jealousy.

Hearing this, Eden suddenly smiled brightly.

"Yes, his taste is really bad, because he fell in love with me." Eden looked at her jealous face with amusement.

Such a jealous face really looked ferocious.

Human nature was truly terrifying!