Chapter 2074 You\'ve Ruined My Family

Giada was a little embarrassed. Martin was a gentleman, and his every move was noble and elegant. Although she was born in a rich family, she wasn't graceful at all.

"Eat your meal. Don't worry about me."

Martin nodded slightly, "These are big head shrimps. They were delivered here by air. The shell is thin and the meat is tender. It's very delicious. Eat more, Gia."

"Wow!" Giada smiled and asked while eating, "Martin, are you so fastidious about food?"

Martin smiled faintly and did not speak. These were all prepared for her.

After Giada was full, Martin began to talk about work.

What he said was actually very simple for Giada. She only needed to design the patterns they wanted on the props and their costumes.

Martin attached great importance to this costume drama. Hundreds of millions of dollars had been invested in it. 

Giada accepted it with pleasure. Her professional name Sandra was very famous among the painters.