Chapter 2093 Withdrew The Funds

He glanced at the people inside. When he saw Giada, his eyes flashed. Perhaps they still had a chance.

Marquis said, "Mr. Whitaker wants to withdraw his investment."

His words made Martin frown slightly. Jayce Whitaker was the investor of his company. Without Jayce, he couldn't shoot the drama anymore.

Moreover, he replied on this drama to turn the table. It was the fruit of his painstaking labour, and he had invested all his property in it.

When he made up his mind, he quarrled with his father, and he would never ask for his father's help.

"How could he do this?" Scarlett was anxious.

The leading actor and actress had just been decided. As the supporting actress, it was the first time that she had had a chance to cooperate with the movie king. She could not miss such an opportunity.

The faces of the people present suddenly darkened.

Marquis ignored Scarlett and showed a piece of news to Martin, "This is the information I found and the photos I took."