Chapter 2097 Do You Believe Her Or Me?

Martin couldn't help but smile. Looking at Boris who was so straightforward, he found that his character didn't change much.

"Boris, you don't have to be in a hurry. We'll talk in detail after you arrive at my company tomorrow. I'll send you the address later."

"Okay. As long as I can have some work to do and my mother won't nag me anymore, I can do anything. For me, it's easy to solve everything with money. I have to be as ambitious as you to have my own pride." Boris was straightforward and easy to get along with.

They chatted for more than half an hour, and they had a good time.

During this period of time, Martin's phone rang twice, but he did not answer it. After they talked for more than ten minutes, his phone was still vibrating. Martin frowned slightly and lowered his head. Seeing that it was Scarlett calling him, he muted his phone directly.

He didn't even answer the phone after they came out of the restaurant.