Chapter 2120 Surprise (2)

Martin stood up and poured hot water for her. When the water turned warm, he handed it to her.

Giada took a few sips of water and returned the glass to him.

The atmosphere became a little depressing again. She was even a little nervous and did not know how to face Martin.

She came here just because she didn't want to face him, but she didn't expect that he would come after more than ten hours. He came to her when she needed him most.

They remained silent for a long time. Giada simply closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Martin had been looking at her face gently. She looked calm, and her face no longer twisted in pain.

"Gia, do you feel better?" His voice was hoarse but tender.

Giada's heart seemed to be brushed by the spring breeze. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. Seeing his concerned face, she shook her head slightly, "Yeah, you can leave and have a rest."