Chapter 2134 The One I Had Been Waiting

In the cinema, Martin and Giada sat in the last row. Giada watched the movie very carefully while eating popcorn. It was a funny art movie, and all the actors had good acting skills.

"Ha-ha..." Seeing the interesting plot, Giada laughed and leaned against Martin's arms.

Martin only rubbed her head dotingly and smiled with her.

He fed her a mouthful of juice from time to time. If she asked him what the movie was about, he really didn't know, because all he could see was Giada's happy face.

He was quite pleasantly surprised that day.

Victor allowed him to enter the Alwynn family, and Giada was in his arms at this time. Nothing was more satisfying than this.

"Ha-ha... Martin, look! He's sitting on a cactus. It's so funny!" Giada smiled and said with popcorn in her mouth. The audience burst into laughter as well.

Her happy mood infected Martin, and his good-looking eyes were full of smiles.