Chapter 2156 They Can\'t Live Without Each Other (3)

After leaving the wish pond, Eden wanted to walk around. She had no way to get rid of the depression in her heart, so she wanted to walk around to relieve her mood.

Victor accompanied her silently.

Walking to the square, Eden saw an old lady with white hair sitting on the ground selling roses. She was old, and there were not many roses left, so Eden walked over, squatted down and asked, "Hi, how much are these roses? I'll buy them."

The weather was very hot, and it was easy for old people to suffer from a sunstroke. Gia liked roses, so she wanted to buy them and take them to the ward.

The old lady looked at her and smiled. Eden only felt that she was very kind, especially when she smiled.

"Two dollars for each. There are ninety-nine roses here. You can buy them for your daughter. They will bring her good luck."

Her words made Eden's pupils tremble, and then she nodded. "Okay, thank you!"