Chapter 2167 Embarrassed to Say It

Unexpectedly, he had three more sons, and the three boys shared Eden's love with him for many years. Finally, the boys had grown up, but he was getting old. Would he be energetic enough to travel in a few more years?

The more Victor thought about it, the angrier he became.

Without saying anything, he stood up, took Eden's hand and went straight to his room.

All the six children made him worry.

Giada was speechless.

She really couldn't say anything to stimulate Victor.

Although Victor didn't take care of them when they were young, he loved them very much.

Later, Eden gave birth to three boys, and Victor spent a lot of energy on them. However, her three younger brothers were very obedient, and they had great grades. All of them were very smart.

However, what surprised her was the figure of her second brother who was running for his life.