Chapter 2172 Dislike Me

"Gia, it's still early. Go to my place and sit for a while. I'll send you back," Martin said with a smile, and the car stopped at the entrance of a cafe.

"Gia, stay in the car for a while. I'll buy you a cup of milk tea." After that, he unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car to buy her drink.

She smiled and watched him leave.

There was a little snow outside the window. She looked out of the window. The night sky was foggy and the snow was falling like catkins. It was going to be the new year soon.

A few minutes later, Martin came back with two cups of milk tea amid a gust of cold air. Giada patted the snowflakes on his head.

He handed her the milk tea. The tea was warm, and she held it to keep her hands warm.

After all, she had lived here since she was a child, so she was quite used to the climate here.

The car started, and the chill disappeared. Martin's eyes were full of smiles.