Chapter 2175 I Hope You Can Do What You Promised

The two looked at the sky for a while, and then looked at each other quietly. Their affectionate eyes clearly reflected each other's figures. The night was very quiet, and only the cold night wind blew around them.

Martin gently turned over and held Giada in his arms. Looking at her frozen red face, he saw that her lips were even redder. He smiled slightly, kissed her lips, and then carried her into the room like a dragonfly skimming the water.

Giada didn't struggle. She hugged his neck with both hands and leaned against his chest, feeling his strong heartbeat.

Looking at him from a close distance, she found that his skin was very delicate, which was comparable to hers.

"Martin, why do you have such good skin?" She liked it so much that she gently stroked it with her hand.

Despite feeling ticklish, he didn't dodge. He looked down at her, but his steps were steady as he strode forward.