Chapter 2179 Hendrick\'s Presentation, Who Are You

There is always a person in life who always goes with you, but you really want to live with him - Alice Klein.


In the presidential suite, the early morning sun shone, illuminating the whole room. A warm feeling spread out and made people feel comfortable.

However, the messy clothes on the ground and the two people sitting in the bed did not look very good.

The man sitting on the left had a good figure, and the power of his abs made people want to scream. His eyes, which were as deep as stars, were full of anger as he glared at the woman on the other side.

The woman wrapped herself in the sheets and looked at the bruises and red and purple love bites on her collarbones. She knew how intense the previous night had been.

Hendrick had never dreamed that there would be a nightmare waiting for him when he woke up early in the morning.