Chapter 2216 Let\'s Make Things Clear

Alma looked at Candice with some uncertainty. "What about the people from the jewelry endorsement?"

Candice smiled and said, "It's okay. You know that they just want to have a relationship with the Alwynn family. Let's take a break. You should dress up well tomorrow night and ask Mr. Jefferson out. I have another clothing endorsement here. With Mr. Jefferson there, we will soon sign the contract."

"The company doesn't give us many resources, so we can only find our own. You are young, so you mustn't waste time. This time, with Mr. Henrick's help, you must become famous." She had always only interests in her eyes, but once Alma had lost her value, she would abandon her without hesitation.

Alma had always been used to being helped and she was obedient to some of Candice's words. For example, Candice was right about Henrick.

"Okay!" Alma thought for a moment and finally nodded.