Chapter 2229 Confirmed, Got Beaten Up

Henrick's body tensed up. If he said it, his father would definitely give him a good beating that day.

However, Uncle Klein already knew about it, so sooner or later, his father would also find out.

"Alas!" Henrick sighed dejectedly and looked down with an unusually pained expression.

He thought that this matter could be kept a secret. Now that he thought about it, it was really ridiculous. How could there be eternal secrets in the world?

Moreover, since he dared to do it, he had to admit it. Now that everyone knew about it, he still felt a little uncomfortable when he said it. He was really angry that he had been framed.

He was even more upset that he had done something worse than a beast to Alice.

He felt bitter in his heart. During this period of time, he felt like he was almost out of breath.