Chapter 2247 You Are My Uncle

Henrick sat on the sofa with his daughter in his arms. He was very surprised that his daughter would send him breakfast in person.

It seemed that Alice had told the children the truth the night before.

"Juliet, I'm sorry that I only came to see you now."

Now was the time to apologize.

Especially since she took the initiative to come to him, it meant that his daughter did not hate him.

Juliet shook her head with a smile. At such a young age, she knew that anyone who had made a mistake and took the initiative to apologize was a good person.

"Dad, as you said, you didn't know about our existence before. You don't have to feel sorry. As long as you send me to school this semester, I can completely forgive you."

Hearing this, Henrick suddenly thought of something.

The night before, his daughter said that many people in their school liked him, and he was also her idol.

All of a sudden, Henrick had the feeling that his daughter was going to drag him to school to show off.