Chapter 2250 He\'s So Shameless

"Haha..." Alice couldn't help laughing. If she could, she really wanted to laugh.

The next time she saw Henrick, she would definitely mock him.

He trampled on others' hearts for nothing, but he was cheated on by others. That was retribution. The reality was so good.

Alice was in a good mood.

After finding several restaurants she liked and booking the most expensive one, she put down her mobile phone and went to the first floor to make coffee while humming a song.

Her heart, which had been hesitating in the dark before, seemed to have finally found a glimmer of light, and there was a kind of pleasure of breaking out of the cocoon.

Alice enjoyed the whole afternoon alone. At five o'clock in the afternoon, she received a call from Giada, who had gone for a checkup that day. The babies were very healthy. When she heard the strong heartbeat of the babies, she was so excited that she burst into tears and called Alice to share it with her.