Chapter 2264 Party, You Know Mr. Henrick

Henrick smiled at her gently and continued to play football with Marlon.

Alice's heart beat wildly when she saw the tenderness in his eyes.

She immediately turned around and scolded herself as she walked, "Alice, you're really hopeless."

She looked at the setting sun in the distance. Her blushing face and rosy lips were cute and charming, and her eyes seemed to be as clear as water.

Alice didn't know what was wrong with herself. Why was she so nervous and shy when she was far away from him?

She paced back and forth, trying to suppress the panic in her heart. She felt that as long as Henrick was around, she would not be able to live a normal life.

At that moment, the phone suddenly rang, and Alice was startled.

She quickly grabbed her phone and saw the caller ID. She smiled and said, "Michelle."

"Alice, I'm back. Do you have time tomorrow night? Let's meet up."

Alice was very excited. "Michelle, you're finally back. Okay, where should we meet? I'll go and find you."