Chapter 2270 Did You Go On A Date

Alice was stunned. She must be dreaming.

How could Henrick say something like that?

She kept her eyes fixed on Henrick, who looked like a child who had done something wrong. He lowered his head and glanced at her from time to time. He was so timid and helpless that he looked very pitiful.

Moreover, what he said just now was still echoing in her ears.

In those years, the scene that she had crazily imagined in her dreams had come true at that moment.

Alice's heart kept pounding, but her face was still pale. She didn't know whether she was excited or moved, but she couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Allie, I'm sorry!" Henrick saw her crying while not uttering a single word instead. He frantically tried to wipe away her tears.

Alice could feel the warmth of his fingers.

She looked away slightly and lowered her head to avoid looking at him.