Chapter 2281 I\'m Afraid You\'re Asking to Be Beaten

Alice got up to pour him some water.

Henrick's gaze followed her.

He felt that wherever she was, even the air smelled sweet.

Sure enough, it was like he had his own sun in his heart; once he found her, she would illuminate every corner of the world, making it look beautiful.

When Alice came back with the water, he looked at her with a silly grin.

She silently handed the water to him. "Get up and drink it."

"Okay!" Henrick sat up slowly. He felt much more relaxed, and he was no longer dizzy.

Leaning against the bed, he took the water from her hand and downed the whole glass in one go.

"Allie, I want more." Henrick's voice was still hoarse. His eyes were dry and bleary, and his lips were parched and cracked.

Seeing that he had already drunk a big glass of water, Alice was a little worried that his body would not be able to take so much water in one go.

She had also seen people ending up in the hospital because they drank too much water